The Department of Domestic Vessel is responsible to register and certificate ships under 500 gross tonnage operating in and beyond Liberian waters. The legal basis establishing the registration and certification of such ships in the Republic of Liberia is governed under Chapter 11 of Title 21 of the Liberian Maritime Law known as the Registration and Control of Pleasure Watercraft, Yacht, Fishing Vessels and Domestic Commercial Vessels Operating In and Outside the Republic.  By and through this statute, the Liberian Administration administers its Small Watercraft and Pleasure Craft Registry alongside the globally recognized International Registry which is operated and managed by the Liberian International Ship and Corporate Registry (LISCR).

This department which is also known as Small Watercraft and Pleasure Craft Registry registration services include issuance of applicable statutory certificates, seamen books, mortgage recordation, registration of bill of sales or builder’s certificate etc. The Registry utilizes the services of the Department of Inspection, Survey and Audits to implement its core functions.