Liberia and China Strengthen Maritime Relations with Landmark Transport Agreement


Beijing, China – Liberia and China have signed a Maritime Transport Agreement following high-level bilateral talks between the Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA) delegation, led by Commissioner/CEO Cllr. Neto Zarzar Lighe, Sr., and the Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China. The signing ceremony, which took place in Beijing, marks a milestone in the partnership between the two nations. Both Liberia and China emphasized the importance of maritime transport to their socio-economic development and affirmed their commitment to fostering stronger ties in the sector.

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  544 Hits

Liberia and Finland Forge Stronger Maritime Ties - Pivotal Discussions on Blue Economy Training and Global Cooperation


Finland, Helsinki – As part of his two days working visit to Finland, Helsinki, Liberia’s Permanent Representative to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Ambassador Robert Wilmot Kpadeh has met and held official discussions with Finland's Permanent Secretary of Transport, Maritime, and Communications, Her Excellency Minna Kivimaki.

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Permanent Mission to IMO holds high-level meetings with Officials of the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) on tackling “Dark Fleet” In International Shipping


According to a dispatch issued by the Permanent Mission this evening, The Liberia Permanent Mission to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) London, United Kingdom has had a high-level meeting with the Officials of the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) on tackling the issue of "dark fleets" or "shadow fleets" in the realm of international shipping.

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Liberia Maritime Authority Repositions Liberia as a Major Maritime Stakeholder in the Implementation and Enforcement of Liberia's International Maritime Obligations and Responsibilities


The Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA), under the leadership of Commissioner/ CEO, Clir Netto Zarzar Lighe, Sr., in collaboration with other Government entities has formally validated and approved the National Maritime Strategy (NMS) of Liberia for the next five years. The NMS, which contains three cardinal pillars of Collaboration, Innovation and Partnerships, brings to the fore the whole-of-government approach to ensuring that Liberia fully meets its national and international obligations in maritime governance.

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Liberia Permanent Representative to IMO Presents Letter of Credence


In accordance with Resolution A.505 (XII) of the Procedure for Accreditation establishing the office of Permanent Missions by Governments to the International Maritime Organization, Ambassador Robert Wilmont Kpadeh (Liberia's Permanent Representative to the IMO) has presented his letter of credence to H.E. Mr. Arsenio Dominguez (Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) on the sidelines of the IMO's Council 132nd session which begins today July 8 and will run until Friday July 12 at the Headquarters of the IMO in London. The session is expected to host several high-level discussions and deliberations centered on the state of the international body and its effective running.

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Liberia Settles IMO 2024 Dues, As Commissioner Lighe Leads Deligation to IMO's 132nd Session 

Liberia has once again demonstrated its unyielding commitment to international shipping by settling fully its 2024 IMO Member States’ Assessed Due in the tone of £5,124,591.00M or its equivalent of US$6,516,429.91M.
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Profile of Liberia's Permanent Representative


Robert Wilmot Kpadeh, a British-educated International Human Rights Lawyer and Peace, Conflict, and Development expert. He is an Economist and Communication expert. He is also a Social Justice Advocate who has led several advocacies in defense of human rights, the rule of law, and good governance. He is a structuredacademic and has lectured in Political Science, International Relations, and Public Policy Making at the state-owned University of Liberia (UL) and the African Methodist Episcopal University (AMEU) also in Liberia as a Senior Lecturer.

In terms of public service, Kpadeh has served as Deputy Minister of Information at the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs, and Tourism, a role he performed with distinction for over five years– under the Administration of President EllenJohnson

He is the author of the book; [“Wisdom Is Wealth—Poetry and Philosophy”] which can be accessed on Amazon. He has written several thematic papers on governance, the rule of law, and basic fundamental rights.

Kpadeh is one of the co-authors of the 2023 United Nations Roadmap paper that essentially outlines solutions on how to prevent the usage of technology to facilitate Human Trafficking under the supervision of the United Nations Human Rights Commission.

Employment History
Liberia's Permanent Representative to The International Maritime Organization (IMO), Liberia Maritime Authority, London
2 0 2 4
• The Liberian Permanent Mission to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) is the technical and diplomatic arm of the Liberia Maritime Program:
• To coordinate all the Government of Liberia’s maritime-related activities between Monrovia and London
• To Primarily ensure Liberia’s active participation in all IMO meetings and deliberations to promote and protect Liberia's Maritime Interests to the fullest.
• To ensure at all times that Liberia's maritime policies are aligned with the international instruments and regulations adopted by the IMO, as well as ensure that Liberia is effectively and efficiently compliant with all maritime covenants, treaties, and protocols.
• In addition to these IMO responsibilities, the Permanent Representative regularly represents Liberia at meetings of other maritime-related bodies such as the International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO); the International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund (IOPC); the London Convention1972 (LC72) and London Protocol 1996 (LP96), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

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The Liberia Permanent Mission to the International Maritime Organisation

The Permanent Mission of Liberia to the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) represents the Government of Liberia at IMO. It is the policy link between the Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA), the statutory arm of the Government of Liberia on all matters of maritime and the IMO. The Permanent Mission conveys and articulates Liberia Government policy positions on regulatory proposals during IMO meetings and conversely relays key elements of adopted regulations by the IMO back to LiMA to be domesticated into the country’s laws and implemented within Liberia territorial waters and globally, including aboard Liberia flag vessels.

The Permanent Mission performs its mandate through strategic outreaches, including attending diplomatic conferences, engagements and actively participating in the Committees and Subcommittee meetings of IMO. It also ensures Liberia receives necessary technical assistance from the Technical Cooperation Division of IMO and other maritime administrations to build the needed national capacity to implement IMO’s instruments. Further, it pursues one of the Permanent Mission’s core mandates by ensuring Liberia is always elected to the 40 Members Council of IMO to reflect the country’s standing in global shipping as the number one open registry. In this regard, the Permanent Mission spearheads Liberia’s campaign during IMO Assembly biannually to elect members of the Council.

The Permanent Mission is headed by a Permanent Representative who is deputized by an Alternate Permanent Representative considering the technical nature of IMO as the specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine and atmospheric pollutions by ships.

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Speech by Liberia’s Permanent Representative to the International Maritime Organization

Madam Keynote Speaker
Gender Minister
Gbeme Horace-Kollie

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Commissioner Lighe Wants LMTI Upgraded to University Level


The Liberian maritime program is regarded for its consistent excellence and innovation in service delivery in the global maritime industry. To this end, the Commissioner /CEO of the Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA), Cllr. Neto Zarzar Lighe, Sr. has placed, at the core of his leadership's strategic vision, the need to enhance the program capabilities to remain competitive in the constantly evolving global maritime industry.

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  506 Hits

Commissioner Lighe Commits to Increase Women’s Quota in Maritime Labor Force


-Promises Deliberate Actions at International Day For Women in Maritime Fest
Monrovia, Liberia - Statistics show that women’s quota in the maritime industry labor force is at an unacceptable 1.3% or 24,059 out of the 1.89 million seafarers globally.

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  413 Hits

LiMA Board Endorses Key Instruments at Second Meeting

Monrovia, Liberia - The Board of Directors of the Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA) has endorsed key instruments that underpin the operations of the institution at its second meeting on Monday, May 13, 2024, at the Authority’s headquarters in Congo Town, Monrovia. 
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LiMA Collaborates with KAIPTC to Launch Code of Practice for Women in Maritime Security Domain


Monrovia, Liberia - The The Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre, Accra Ghana (KAIPTC), in collaboration with the Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA), launched the Code of Practice for Women in the Maritime Security Domain on Thursday, May 8, 2024 in Monrovia. The initiative is supported by the Government of Denmark through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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  301 Hits

LiMA Holds Pre-joining Familiarization Seminar for Cadets at LMTI

The Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA), through its Department of Manning, held a two-day pre-joining familiarization seminar for cadets at the Liberia Maritime Training Institute (LMTI) in collaboration with the school’s teaching staff from April 9-10, 2024. The seminar is part of the Department of Manning deliverables earmarked for the year 2024 under the Authority’s multi-year strategic plan.
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  310 Hits

LiMA Formulates Multi-year Strategic Roadmap Towards A Vibrant Maritime Sector

The Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA) has begun the process of formulating a multi-year strategic plan that will guide the institution’s operations over five years, 2024-2029. The process got underway on April 4, 2024, with a two-day strategic working retreat in Ganta, Nimba County, under the theme: “Rethinking And Setting The Agenda for a Vibrant Maritime Sector”.
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Commissioner Lighe Makes a working visit to maritime facilities in Monrovia

Barely a fortnight into his stint as commissioner, Commissioner/CEO Cllr. Neto Zarzar Lighe Sr. of the Liberia Maritime Authority made a number of working visits to maritime facilities in Monrovia, on March 26, 2024.
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Complaints & Activities


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MRCC Frequency

VHF 14
VHF 16

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Safety & Protection

The Department of Maritime Security within the Liberia Maritime Authority is responsible to administer Maritime Security related affairs of the Authority. The Department comprises of the Maritime Intelligence and Investigation Unit (MIIU) and the Security Operatives Unit. The Maritime Security Department serves as the Authority's main strategic resource in combating, investigating and if necessary, prosecuting maritime-related crimes, offences and violations.

The Department carries out oversight through the use of an elite group of Maritime Agents/ Special Agents whose sole purpose is to establish, protect and preserve the national domain awareness initiatives, working alone or in collaboration with the Liberian Coast Guard, and other agencies, as is necessary. Likewise, the Department is also responsible to uphold the regulatory and security tenets of the national maritime domain and water-borne commerce, in keeping with the Liberian Maritime Law, Regulations and Policies.

Furthermore, the Department ensures the proper collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of critical data / information consistent with breaches of the Liberia Maritime Law, Regulations, Policies, and procedures, as well as all International Maritime Conventions, Protocols and Treaties to which the nation is a party. Some additional duties include ensuring the protection / security of senior maritime personnel, visiting VIP's, and high value maritime assets nationwide.

Within the new reform of the department as per the IMO Strategy for Enhancing Maritime Security within West and Central Africa and in keeping with the Code of Conduct and the ECOWAS Integrated Maritime Security Strategy, the Department shall also play a major role and be an intricate part of the development of National Maritime Security Strategies, National Maritime Security Policies and National Maritime Security Implementation Plans and Procedures.

In this process, they will be tasked to generate the implementation of appropriate national maritime security policies to safeguard maritime trade from all forms of unlawful acts; national legislation, industry best practices, documented processes and procedures, which together provide the security necessary for the safe and secure operation of port facilities and ships at all security levels; and national legislation which ensures effective protection of the national maritime domain to include the integration of maritime offshore monitoring, control and surveillance activities.

  461 Hits

Safety, Inspection, Survey & Audit

In ensuring compliance with various applicable Liberia Maritime laws and regulations as well as internationally accepted maritime safety, pollution prevention, security and labor instruments, the functions of this Department span port, flag and coastal State obligations.

Under Port State activities, SISA oversees Port State control (PSC) - the inspection of all foreign flagged vessels calling into Liberian seaports. In addition, s part of its port state control obligations aimed at deterring sub-standard shipping in the region, it liaises with and reports to the Secretariat of the Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control for West and Central African Region (Abuja MoU).

There are specific flag State responsibilities and obligations performed by this Department. Similar to what LISCR, which administers the Liberian Registry, does for the inspection and audit of vessels and ship management companies under international program, SISA carries out the survey/inspection and audit of all domestic watercrafts and maritime-related companies registered under the Domestic Watercraft Law. It cooperates with other relevant departments and national stakeholders to investigate marine accidents and mishaps. The Department also supports LISCR with the transshipment program by liaising with the National Fisheries and Aquaculture of Liberia (NaFAA), to monitor Liberian-flagged vessels (including reefer, bunker and supply vessels) registered under the international program and engaged in or that plan to be involved in transshipment activities in certain sea areas or of specific species of fish managed by Regional Fisheries Management Organization (RFMOs) worldwide.

SISA is also tasked with the authority to ensure national compliance with key coastal State obligations and responsibilities of the provision and management of aids to navigation (AtoNs), maritime safety information (MSI) and hydrographic services – with a view to enhance safety of navigation in Liberia coastal waters.

As part of its responsibilities to implement and enforce relevant national and international maritime laws and conventions, the Department develops policies and plans with the view to promote maritime safety and the protection of the broader marine environment.

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Marine Environmental Protection

This department is clothed with the responsibilities of developing and implementing an integrated system for the protection of the marine environment as well as the National Maritime as well as implement public policies associated with the protection of Liberia marine environment in accordance with national and international regulations; develop policies governing the protection from pollution that could cause environmental damage to the marine environment; coordinate with other relevant government agencies for the establishment of a national system for immediate response to marine pollution incidents, reducing the risks and threats posed for such incidents; contribute to capacity building of personnel of all stakeholders in marine emergency response, damage assessment and identify measures needed to address them; participate in raising public awareness of citizens about the protection of the marine environment and to combat marine pollution; provide marine environmental advice to the Commissioner and the Board of Directors; Commission studies and tests necessary for the protection of the marine environment, and contribute to the field of environmental studies at the national level in the legal scope of the Commission; develop systems and technical procedures for inspection of environmental marine facilities; establish sets of rules and regulations that ensure the existence of effective compensation for damage to persons or property or the environment itself in the exercise of maritime activities, both within private enterprises (coastal and marine) or on the sea; organize and coordinate operations to combat marine pollution in all its forms, and follow up implementation of plans and control techniques adopted in the Commission and develop follow-up actions necessary to implement a national contingency plan for dealing with oil pollution of the marine environment in accordance with international standards.

The Marine Environmental Protection department also handles Integrated Coastal Management Program, Liberia Coastal Zone, programs that safeguard Liberia marine and waterways from invasive species through the development and implementation of an effective ballast Water Management policy.

  472 Hits

Domestic Vessel Registration

The Department of Domestic Vessel is responsible to register and certificate ships under 500 gross tonnage operating in and beyond Liberian waters. The legal basis establishing the registration and certification of such ships in the Republic of Liberia is governed under Chapter 11 of Title 21 of the Liberian Maritime Law known as the Registration and Control of Pleasure Watercraft, Yacht, Fishing Vessels and Domestic Commercial Vessels Operating In and Outside the Republic.  By and through this statute, the Liberian Administration administers its Small Watercraft and Pleasure Craft Registry alongside the globally recognized International Registry which is operated and managed by the Liberian International Ship and Corporate Registry (LISCR).

This department which is also known as Small Watercraft and Pleasure Craft Registry registration services include issuance of applicable statutory certificates, seamen books, mortgage recordation, registration of bill of sales or builder’s certificate etc. The Registry utilizes the services of the Department of Inspection, Survey and Audits to implement its core functions.  

  505 Hits

Commissioner Lighe Begins Official Duties at LiMA

The Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA) family welcomed Cllr. Neto Zarzar Lighe Sr. as its new Commissioner/CEO at a very brief ceremony on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at the Corporate Headquarters of the institution.
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Organizations & Conventions


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Organizational Structure


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Brief History of LiMA

The Liberian Maritime Program was established in 1948 with strong support from the United States of America.  In 1949, Liberia became a founding member of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and has over the years played a critical role in promulgating maritime safety, security and environmental protection. The Bureau of Maritime Affairs (BMA) administered the program under the supervision of the Ministry of Finance and later the Ministry of Transport. With the passage of Liberia Maritime Authority Act of 2010, the BMA then transitioned into the Liberian Maritime Authority (LiMA); a public corporation with greater responsibility of managing all commercial activities within the maritime domain of Liberia.  The rational for this transition was to diversify the Authority’s activities from its long-standing focus of being a nation with a leading maritime shipping and corporate registry program, to a nation that strategically focuses on building and, or supporting enterprises across the domestic maritime domain for greater economic and social benefits to the Nation and its People.   

The Liberian Maritime Program is currently recognised as the second largest ship registry in the world.   Its activities are governed by the Liberia Maritime Laws [Title 21 of the Liberian Code of Laws revised], with a mandate to regulate all foreign and domestic waterborne commerce, enforce maritime treaties, including Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS); Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL); the Standards for Training, Certification and Watch-keeping for Seafarers (STCW) and the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC).

Hence, with over seven decades of international maritime presence, we are poised to fully explore the coastal resources and vast biodiversity that exists within our domestic maritime domain. 

Mandate of the Authority

The Liberia Maritime Authority under the LiMA Act of 2010 is mandated to perform the following functions for and on behalf of the government of the Republic of Liberia:

  • Administer, secure, promote, regulate, enforce, design, and execute policies, strategies, laws and regulations, plans and programs relating, directly and indirectly to the functioning, growth and development of the maritime sector, and national maritime awareness;
  • Collaborate, coordinate, and consult with the Ministry of National Defense (specifically the Coast Guard), the Ministry of Justice (police, immigration and other relevant law enforcement agencies), the Ministry of Finance, (now Liberia Revenue Authority) (Customs), National Port Authority, the Ministry of Agriculture (Bureau of Fisheries), the National Oil Company of Liberia, the Ministry of Transport and other government institutions engaged in activities related to the maritime sector to collaborate in promoting the country's social and economic development associated with or growing out of the national maritime, marine and related programs and activities;
  • Introduce and promote the enactment of national legislations in the exercise of the rights and discharge of the responsibilities of the Republic of Liberia under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982 and any other maritime related international conventions, agreements and instruments.

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Mission & Vision

To build a vibrant domestic maritime program that is financially self-sustaining, internationally compliant and effective in protecting our Maritime Domain.

To Be the Best in Class Leader in Global Maritime Operations.  

  224 Hits

Eugene Nagbe Resigns as Maritime Commissioner

en-res Former Commissioner Lenn Eugene Nagbe and Officer-In-Charge Deputy Commissioner Emmanuel N. Reeves

The Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer of the Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA), Eugene Lenn Nagbe, has drawn the curtains on his five-year tenure with two years left.

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  270 Hits

US Coast Guard Delegation Praises Liberia's Commitment to Continual ISPS Security Compliance


MONROVIA, LIBERIA – Thursday 7 December 2023): On the morning of December 7, 2023, the Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA), as Designated Authority of Liberia’s International Port Security Program held a meeting with a delegation from the United States Coast Guard to mark the end of a weeklong ISPS assessment visit that was aimed at examining the enforcement of Anti-Terrorism Measures at Liberia’s port facilities. This was a follow-up visit. The team was here in October 2022.

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Liberia Elected to Category A of IMO Council for 2024-2025 Biennium


The Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA) is immensely pleased to announce that Liberia has been elected to Category ‘A’ of the Council of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) at the 33rd Assembly session of the organization in London on Friday, 1 December 2023. This followed a hotly contested election. The Assembly is the highest decision-making body of the IMO. It meets biennially to approve the decisions of the organization.

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  242 Hits



The Liberia Maritime Authority ("LİMA") has been informed by the owners of the Liberia flagged vessel, KMAX RULER, that it was struck by an anti- radar mnissile on or about November 8, 2023 near Pivdennyi Seaport in the Ukrainian city of Yuzhne near Odesa, killing a Ukrainian pilot, injuring three (3) crew members (Filipino nationals), and damaging the vessel's bridge and superstructure.

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  203 Hits

Liberia Validates National Maritime Security Strategy

The Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA) and stakeholders in the Liberian maritime domain have validated the country’s first-ever National Maritime Security Strategy after months of scrutiny.
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Liberia Deposit of Ratified Hong Kong Convention Brings Critical Maritime Environmental Safety Instrument into Force

Liberia has taken a major leap towards ensuring that the environment is protected in the operations of the global ship recycling industry by depositing the country’s ratified Hong Kong Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships. This milestone decision paves the way for the treaty to come into full force in two years after attaining the required threshold of member states of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The instrument was deposited with IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim, by the Commissioner of the Liberia Maritime Authority, Lenn Eugene Nagbe on June 26, 2023 in London.
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Liberia Elevates “Category A” Election Quest At IMO


The Commissioner of the Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA) Lenn Eugene Nagbe is canvassing tooth and nail to ensure that Liberia gets elected to Category A of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in the shipping industry’s regulator’s upcoming election in December 2023.

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Liberia Joins US Initiative to Address Atlantic Issues

Liberia has accepted a United States Government’s invitation to join the Atlantic Cooperation Initiative, a Forum of African, Caribbean, European, and American states that share coastlines with the Atlantic Ocean.

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Press Update on the Case of Moses Owen Browne and Daniel Tarr in the Republic of Korea

Monrovia, Liberia - The Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA) has been informed by Pureum Law Office, the Korean law firm hired by the Government of the Republic of Liberia to represent Messrs. Moses Owen Browne and Daniel Tarr in their sexual assault case, that on today, April 5, 2023 at the hour of 2:00 p.m. (Korean Time), at the scheduled Verdict Hearing, the Court in Busan, Korea, has found both Messrs. Browne and Tarr guilty of Sexual Assault.

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  213 Hits

LiMA Hosts High Level Stakeholders Engagement Meeting On IMSAS Audit


Stakeholders in Liberia’s maritime sector have met in Monrovia to vet the country’s preparedness for the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Member State Audit Scheme (IMSAS).

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High Level Delegation From Regional Maritime University Visits Liberia

Liberia Maritime Commissioner Lenn Eugene Nagbe on Tuesday received in audience a high-level delegation from the Regional Maritime University (RMU), who are on a working visit to Liberia.

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Liberia Makes Strong Case for Top IMO Seat

(London 08/02/2023) A high-level Government of Liberia delegation, led by the Commissioner of the Liberia Maritime Authority (LMA) Lenn Eugene Nagbe, has made a compelling case for ‘’Category A" membership with the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
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  154 Hits

Press Update on the Case of Moses Owen Brown and Daniel Tarr Republic of Korea


Monrovia Liberia - The trial of Mr. Moses Owen Brown, Liberia’s Permanent Representative to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and Mr. Daniel Tarr, Director of the Marine Environmental Protection Department of the Liberia Maritime Authority is scheduled to commence on Wednesday, November 30, 2022, in Busan, South Korea.

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  192 Hits

Working To Protect Fish Resources; Commissioner Nagbe On Liberia’s Fight To Leave EU Yellow Card List

The Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer of the Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA) Lenn Eugene Nagbe says the collaborative efforts pioneered by LiMA and the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA) are not solely seeking to get Liberia off the European Union yellow card list but steps taken to protect the country’s resources particularly fish.
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  171 Hits

Two Stranded Vessels In Liberia’s Waters Pose No Threat to Navigation

Monrovia Liberia October 28, 2022: The Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA) wishes to notify the public of two incidents it is currently handling involving vessels that encountered propulsion and safety difficulties in the jurisdictional waters of Liberia.
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  166 Hits

Liberia Joins Global Maritime Security Network

Venice, Italy -  Liberia, through the Armed Forces of Liberia, has become the newest member of the multinational Trans-Regional Maritime Network (T-RMN).
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  164 Hits

LiMA Recommits To Greener Shipping Treaty On World Maritime Day

(Monrovia –  September 29 each year is celebrated globally as World Maritime Day. The day is set aside to focus attention on the importance of maritime safety, security and the sustainable management of the world’s aquatic environment. These celebrations are geared towards underscoring the important role maritime shipping plays in the world’s economic systems and development.
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  265 Hits

LiMA Vows Full Cooperation With Korean Authorities in Rape Allegations of 2 Officials

Monrovia, Liberia - The Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA), has received with grave concern reports of the arrest on allegations of sexual assault and rape by two staffers of LiMA in the Port City of Busan, South Korea.
The two Officials, Mr. Moses Owen Browne (Liberia’s Permanent Representative to the IMO) and Mr. Daniel Tarr (Director of the Department of Marine Environmental Protection), were in South Korea attending the International Maritime Organization (IMO) GHG SMART Practical Training and Study Visit (September 19-23, 2022) when this alleged incident occurred.
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  163 Hits

Liberia Maritime Authority Vows Prosecution in Stowaway Incident

Monrovia, Liberia -  The Liberia Maritime Authority is exerting all efforts in making sure that the captain and crew members of the Panama -flagged vessel, MV Ophelia, that allegedly cast overboard more than a dozen people are apprehended and prosecuted in accordance with Liberian and international laws.
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  114 Hits

LiMA Returns Rescued MV Hammonia Outboard Machine

Monrovia, Liberia - Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA) in collaboration with the Liberian National Police CID, retrieved and returned to its legitimate owner, M/V Hammonia Palatium, a Rescuer Boat Motor that went missing in December 2021. M/V Hammonia Palatium is a Liberian flagged container ship with IMO Registered Identification Number: 9336165.
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  136 Hits

Liberia Salutes Seafarers, Commits To Ensuring Better Working Condition

 Monrovia, Liberia - The Day of the Seafarer, a special day earmarked by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) as a day to celebrate and honor all seafarers and let the world know how indispensable they are to world trade and international growth and development.
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  146 Hits

LiMA Boss Advocates More Support for Regional Maritime University; As Liberians Score High Marks at End of Studies

Accra, Ghana - iberia’s Maritime Commissioner Eugene Lenn Nagbehas called on West African nations to continuously lend support to the Regional Maritime University in order to produce well-trained personnel for the industry. The Commissioner challenged the senior management team at the school to be more "aggressive and innovative" in confronting the travails of the institution.
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  125 Hits

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Liberia Maritime Authority
Congo Town, Opposite Ministerial Complex
+231 776 400  335