Subject: Authorization Requirement for Vessel Construction and Marine-Related Activities
The Liberia Maritime Authority (LiMA), in keeping with its statutory mandate to administer, promote, regulate, and enforce policies, strategies, laws, and regulations for the growth and development of the maritime sector, hereby informs the general public that
all individuals, entities, or organizations intending to engage in the construction of seagoing vessels, platforms, docks, or any other marine-related infrastructure are required to obtain prior written approval from the Liberia Maritime Authority before initiating any such activities.
This requirement ensures compliance with internationally recognized standards for maritime safety, environmental protection, and sustainable development of Liberia’s maritime sector.
Failure to obtain the requisite authorization will result in administrative actions, including but not limited to issuance of Cease-and-Desist orders, Cancellation of approvals, Revocation of licenses, and imposition of fines and/or penalties as deemed appropriate by law.
To obtain prior approval, applicants must submit a formal request to LiMA, including detailed project plans and specifications. These requirements are geared at ensuring alignment with established maritime regulations and international standards.