By Samuka Kanneh on Tuesday, 03 September 2024
Category: IMO News

Liberia and Finland Forge Stronger Maritime Ties - Pivotal Discussions on Blue Economy Training and Global Cooperation

Finland, Helsinki – As part of his two days working visit to Finland, Helsinki, Liberia’s Permanent Representative to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Ambassador Robert Wilmot Kpadeh has met and held official discussions with Finland's Permanent Secretary of Transport, Maritime, and Communications, Her Excellency Minna Kivimaki.

According to a dispatch released by the Permanent Mission from London, Ambassador Kpadeh and Permanent Secretary Kivimaki discussions essentially focused on mutual cooperation and support on every aspect of global Maritime affairs, training opportunities for Liberians in the areas of Maritime technologies and engineering, collaboration at the IMO, as well as Liberia’s Maritime Authority (LiMA ) visionary plan to build a 'Blue Economy' to potentially diversify Liberia’s maritime revenue, create jobs for Liberians across the broad spectrum of Liberia’s thriving Maritime sector, and the crucial 2025 IMO Council in which both countries will contest to retain their respective seat on the IMO Council.

Permanent Rep Kpadeh praised and thanked the Finland for its long-standing support to Liberia with the recent being its significant vote for Liberia that helped the country return to the IMO Council in 2023 after several years of failing to retain its seat on Council as a leading flag state, coastal state, and Port state. At the IMO, Finland supports Liberia in most of the thematic discussions involving the enterprise of international shipping, and Liberia would often do likewise in line with mutual cooperation.

In the spirit of reciprocity, Liberia also voted for Finland in the 2023 Council election, a vote that saw Finland obtained a seat on the IMO Council as a Category C' IMO member state. Permanent Representative Kpadeh assured Madam Minna Kivimaki that the solid bond between the two nations will continue to blossom as they stand united in matters of common purpose and interest. The Permanent Rep praised Finland for its leadership role in global maritime affairs and its towering voice at the IMO on key discussions like GHG mitigation and the concept of "Just and Equitable Transition" from the usage of fossil fuel to green energy.

Permanent Representative Kpadeh also extolled Finland for the enviable reputation it has garnered over the years for its outstanding maritime technologies and a pride home to Wartsila, one of the world's leading companies in the areas of constructing ship engines and the building of the famous icebreaker ships that often open the Baltic Sea to international shipping when it is crammed with ice during the chilling winter in the Baltic area.

For her part, Madam Kivimaki stated that Finland will continue to stand by Liberia on global maritime affairs as well as other areas that concern mutual interest. She praised Liberia as the largest flag state country, which has remained firm in upholding international conventions, protocols, and regulations of global shipping. "Liberia has exuded incredible leadership as a big Maritime nation by upholding all IMO and other international instruments," Madam Kivimaki is quoted as saying. She assured Permanent Rep. Kpadeh that Finland stands ready to lend technical support to Liberia in the areas of training of Liberians in various aspects of maritime, to include marine engineering and seafaring.

On the issue of Liberia's move to build its blue economy, she praised the move and stated that Finland would be glad to encourage Finnish ship owners to consider Liberia for possible investment in the areas of dry dock, ship recycling, and water transport. She promised to organize a separate business forum to put the Liberia Maritime Authority in discussion with potential Finnish shipping companies.

She thanked Permanent Representative for his leadership he continues to demonstrate by constructively engaging friendly countries to solidify Liberia's position at the IMO and its standing in global maritime affairs. She assured him that Finland will work closely with him in providing meaningful and needed support to Liberia’s Maritime development.